What began in 2007 as a way to communicate with supporters who helped me get to Africa has turned into a multi-continental story. Who knows where we'll go next!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
want to see what uganda looks like?
It's so hard to choose just a few photos to share with you. Here's a start, though. These photos chronicle our visit to the islands with Sam with Jesus Film Ministries. We visited two islands in Lake Victoria, but these pictures are just from our stop at the village of Kisigala on Kome Island.
First we landed on Bulago Island where we would catch a boat to Kome Island.
Bulago Island is a tropical island in Lake Victoria that has something of a private resort on it. This isn't what we were expecting to see when we landed!
This is our first glimpse of Kisigala. The church is the larger building on the far right.
We were greeted by very cute, friendly kids!
Layton (the photographer freelancing for MAF) and some of the pastors looking at a map of Uganda at the end of our overnight stay in Kisigala.
These are some of the Kisigala church members outside their home. Harriet (in front with red tinged hair) was my pal during my visit. Her English was good, which made it easier to be pals. :-)
Here's a little self-portrait with some of the women from the church who helped cook for us.
This is where we slept that night!
Sam (in the black shirt) prayed with these pastors before we left Kisigala.
This little girl slept on my lap during the film the night before. I sat in the midst of the kids and had about five or six kids sitting on me or leaning against me throughout the movie.
Here's the boat we took back to the resort island to catch our plane to the next island.
This is our breakfast being cooked. If it took me this much work to make a meal, I'm sad to say I'd probably starve.
Kami, Wow! I can't even imagine how incredible this trip must be! Great photos!
Thanks for keeping us informed with words and pictures. It doesn't surprise me that the children were all over you. Children have always seemed naturally drawn to you. I tried to publish a comment a little bit ago and it didn't seem to take. Hopefully it doesn't show up later like an echo.
Wow! I can't even imagine how incredible this trip must be! Great photos!
Thanks for keeping us informed with words and pictures. It doesn't surprise me that the children were all over you. Children have always seemed naturally drawn to you. I tried to publish a comment a little bit ago and it didn't seem to take. Hopefully it doesn't show up later like an echo.
The last comment was from me, your mother. Sorry that I left that out.
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