- now - Dec. 22: livin' it up in Nashville
- Dec. 22-sometime after Christmas: finally catching up with the fam in East Tennessee, the land of my birth
- sometime after Christmas-sometime in late January: keeping my parents company at their Kansas digs
- late January/early February: back to Nashville for some work and a "report from Africa" gathering of some sort
- February: some traveling for such purposes as scouting out future options and saying thanks to supporters
- March-ish until sometime: livin' it up in Nashville
I appreciate your prayers as I also pray and listen, seeking to hear where and to what God's leading me next. I plan to continue freelancing, but beyond that the road ahead's wide open. I've got ideas, but they're not quite blog-worthy yet. Mostly, I'm praying I'll be a good steward of the opportunity I've got to move almost anywhere or to stay where I am, the opportunity to re-evaluate and make an intentional and hopefully obedient decision.